
B2G and B2B invoices for France

veröffentlicht von usegroup am 25.04.2022

Themen: E-Rechnung Allgemein, Grundlagen, Internationales, Sicherheit & Compliance
Branche: Branchenunabhängig
Dokumentenart: Fachartikel

On the occasion of the election in France some small updates about electronic invoicing there:

First of all, it’s also France’s term in the EU council presidency and in that context they initiated the ministerial conference on e-invoicing on February 10th.

The specifications on how B2G invoices for their „Chorus Pro“ portal have to look like have long since been part of the Factur-X specification and consequently also went into the common francogermany specification text as of Version 2.2 / 1.0.60 of ZUGFeRD/Factur-X released on March 1st, 2022. They are in the „CIUS“ column of the table starting on page 46 (of the german version), in the FNFE’s Factur-X the table is also published separately as Excel file.

Mustang 2.5.0 has been released on April 7th, 2022 and apart from the support respective validation of ZF 2.2/FX 1.0.60 it now also supports all mandatory attributes for B2G invoices vis á vis Chorus Pro.

ZUGFeRD/Factur-X 2.2/1.0.60 also rearranged some attributes B2B-attributes so that also in future a BASIC profile is still sufficient in most cases.

A propos B2B: the picture for the upcoming mandatory B2B e-invoicing in France is getting clearer, a draft of the according specification has been published which will at some point, at least when final, also be translated into english.

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