Sendlingerstr. 27
80331 München
Tel: +49 89 24413210 - 0
Fax: +49 89 24413210 - 99
Florian Kappert
Geschäftsführer & Co-Founder
Tel: +49 89 24413210-0
Bilendo is a cloud software that helps companies save resources which should be used for effective receivables management. By using Bilendo, incoming payments can be accelerated and receivables risks can be controlled. This gives companies the opportunity to take more risks and build a growing business.
Bilendo - your cloud software for more efficiency in Accounts Receivable.
Bilendo is an AR automation platform that helps companies ensure scalable processes in accounts receivable, reduce costs, reduce DSO and increase liquidity.
At Bilendo, we know how important it is to make debtor processes flexible and efficient. Because of their complexity, these processes require an enormous amount of resources: they are time-consuming and cost-intensive.
By displaying and communicating all processes through a central point, companies avoid problems with internal coordination and processing. With workflow-based automation, processes run naturally and continuously, depending on the desired configuration - completely independent of the existing infrastructure.
Our customers include hundreds of enterprise companies from a wide variety of industries. Our cloud platform supports these companies in increasing their efficiency by primarily ensuring lower process and capital costs, optimized working capital and reduced payment defaults. In addition, with Bilendo, highly relevant and up to date debtor data is centrally available that companies can use to make effective decisions.
Bilendo was founded in 2015 by Markus Haggenmiller, Jakob Beyer and Florian Kappert in Munich. Together with their international team, they have set themselves the goal of relieving companies of complex processes and ensuring scalable growth.
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Career at Bilendo:
Transparenz im Order to Cash
"In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich noch nie mit einem IT-Dienstleister gearbeitet, der unsere Probleme so gut verstanden hat, dessen Fachkonzepte von so hoher Qualität und dessen Lösungskompetenz so hoch war."
Michael Bründl - Porsche Inter Auto
Die ganze Success Story zum Nachlesen:
Entlastete Mitarbeiter durch verbesserte debitorische Prozesse
"Ich bin positiv überrascht, wie effizient Bilendo tatsächlich ist. Erfahrungsgemäß werden die Einsparungen bei der Einführung neuer Software zumindest im ersten Jahr von den entstehenden Kosten übertroffen. Bilendo aber konnte uns mit einem Business Case, der sich innerhalb eines Jahres selbst deckt, überzeugen und begeistern. Unser Einsparpotenzial wird die Kosten schon bald übertreffen."
Andre Everts - Tiemeyer Gruppe
Die ganze Success Story zum Nachlesen: